Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Review

Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I chose to read Pride and Prejudice, because it is one the most well liked and well known books of classic literature. Women, for generations, have and continue to love Jane Austin. I assumed that I would, too, but Pride and Prejudice did not meet my expectations. The reason was simple. I didn’t care about the girls or who they married. The girls thought about nothing but themselves, and they seemed to have no useful occupation. I thought that Austin was clever in that she was able to take something that was intrinsically boring, that is the life of five girls who sat around all day doing nothing, and breathed some life into their story with a bit of comedy. Austin wrote two appealing characters in both Liz and Jane, but, even so, I found my mind wondering. I didn’t have any “buy in” into these girl’s lives and futures.

Austin’s writing is good, but it isn’t spectacular. I would have liked this book more if my expectations weren’t so high. Pride and Prejudice is by no means bad, but I found nothing great about it. Austin does have a strong point of view, but it is obviously limited by her sex, class and race, and strictly anchored in the early 19th century. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with that, but it isn’t what I expect from a classic. I think that the next Jane Austin book that I read, I will enjoy a great deal more, because will know what to expect.

View all my reviews


WHEN I Discovered This Classic
I discovered it in high school.  I may have read it, but I, definitely, have seen some kind of TV or movie adaptation.  The book was familiar.

WHAT Makes It A Classic
It has an audience.  Jane Austin has tapped into the souls of a lot of young women.

WHY I Chose to Read It
I wanted to compare it with Jane Eyre.

WILL It Stay A Classic
Without a doubt, it will stay a classic.  With all the movie adaptations, new readers will continue to find it.

WHO I’d Recommend It To
A young woman

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